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时间:2022-03-07 22:07:37 | 作者:忘记那段爱
听作文 - 美丽新世界(English)
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  The beautiful world of us, the monster began to generate in the evening, the world became the battlefield of the zombie war, my world beautiful new world era of a touch, the monster 10 knives can look like one, but they 3 knives to kill a person.

  So, in order to make a contribution to the world, our Ma old dampness made the armor to defend the zombie, the breast armor similar to the bullet proof vest, but it was similar to the long sleeved clothes, and gave us the iron sword. In this way, we were more likely to kill them. We first fled to "the dampness of the horse," and then we made it out. A gun building with a bow and arrows on it, but the zombie is powerful. They have a long distance, a close battle, a melee explosion, a stealth and an elitist. So, we are faced with the puzzle of the enchantment, I did not think, Ma old dampness early on the creation of the magic platform, we immediately enchanted a very powerful equipment, the so-called, a knife a small zombie. We are not a way to develop our equipment quickly, or we can quickly copy our equipment to everyone, or soon the earth is left to us, the day and night of the earth will become my world, 12 minutes, a day, that is, 6 minutes of defense, 6 minutes of attack, but not necessarily daytime zombie will be all gone. Still, there will be some remaining, such accumulation, in a little while there will be a corpse tide, and people say that there will be a blood month in 32 days, when the zombie does not look at the 50% armor, the damage doubles, the number doubles, it is our day of death on that day, but Ma old wet or our Savior, he immediately built a wall, in addition to the wall, in addition to the wall, in addition to the wall, in addition to the wall, in addition to the wall, except he built the wall, except The rest of the fly cant go! As long as we use a bow to fight zombies, the age of zombies will soon be over. Suddenly, a man knocked at the gate of our city. In a moment, the zombie came to him, sucked his blood, tore it up and put it on him, saying he had killed someone to frighten the others. Our equipment has never been issued, but there are air drop equipment for us, we really cant go, we put the equipment in the door, we sent fat Zhao to take the airdrop equipment out to send equipment, a total of 50 sets, I believe that some people can be protected, the empty equipment is still useful, a body. Steel equipment full of magic, and a gun, 1000 rounds of bullets, enough to blood months, we are thinking of how many people in the pain of zombie, Fei Zhao soon came back, said: "far from enough."

  "This is the case in downtown. 50 buildings are not enough." Ma old dampness said.

  "What do you do?" We have so many materials? "

  "This is endless. Lets do our super equipment."

  After that, Mr. Ma went to his lab, took out three large barrels of things and fused them together and said, "This is the Edman alloy in the movie!"

  Oh my God, Ma Lao-shi actually made the Edman alloy. Its just the stuff in the movie. He made it, but will it have the effect in the movie?

  Really, he made it, paid the full scale, took out Edelmans sword, looked for a piece of steel, cut it in half, and hit Edelmans armor with a gun, and no trace of it! Zombies cant kill us unless we hit the blind spot.

下一篇: 桥的遐想
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